Bishkek mob attacks leave hundreds of Pakistani students wounded

Reports say thousands of locals attacked Pakistani medical students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, early Saturday morning, with hundreds reportedly injured.–Photo courtesy social media

Reports say thousands of locals attacked Pakistani medical students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, early Saturday morning, with hundreds reportedly injured.

According to circulating reports on social media and testimonies from Pakistani students in Bishkek, these attacks followed a scuffle between Egyptian students and several local men. On May 13, a fight broke out between locals and Egyptian students at Avicenna University. This altercation was allegedly triggered when locals broke into the hostel room of an Egyptian girl, leading to a confrontation between Egyptian medical students and locals.

Sources on the ground indicate that after this initial conflict, thousands of locals attacked all foreigners, primarily targeting Pakistanis due to their significant presence among the foreign student population.

The locals reportedly attacked Indian, Egyptian, and Pakistani students. However, Pakistanis bore the brunt of the violence, with their hostels and residences breached. A Pakistani student in Bishkek reported that locals broke down doors and entered hostels housing Pakistani students. Male students were severely beaten, while female students were allegedly harassed.

Videos circulating online show several locals beating two men. After the crowd dispersed, one man was seen lying on the ground after being beaten.

Reports from Bishkek reveal that the army has been called in, and streets leading to universities and hostels have been cordoned off.

Two Pakistanis were reportedly killed, although this could not be verified.

The Pakistani embassy issued a warning to Pakistani students to avoid going outside and to remain indoors. The Pakistani ambassador to Kyrgyzstan took to X (formerly Twitter) to warn the students.

“In view of mob violence around student hostels in Bishkek, the embassy strongly advises all Pakistani students in Bishkek to stay indoors until the situation returns to normal. We are liaising with the local law enforcement authorities to ensure the safety of our student fraternity,” the ambassador stated.

The Foreign Office spokesperson is reportedly in contact with Kyrgyz authorities.

Various social media posts by Pakistani students are explaining the situation on the ground, with many appealing to the relevant authorities for immediate help.

More than 12,000 Pakistanis, primarily studying medicine, reside in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Amid the chaos, the streets leading to universities and hostels have been cordoned off to prevent further violence. The army’s presence aims to restore order and protect the foreign students from additional attacks. The local law enforcement is working closely with the Pakistani embassy to ensure the safety of Pakistani students.

The Foreign Office spokesperson remains in contact with Kyrgyz authorities to address the situation. Pakistani students have taken to social media, describing the harrowing experiences they are facing and calling for immediate assistance from the relevant authorities.

The attack has put a spotlight on the safety concerns of over 12,000 Pakistanis residing in Bishkek, mainly studying medicine. The community is anxiously awaiting further actions to secure their safety and well-being.

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